Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Long time ago, in the Kingdom behind a big mountain, there was a couple of husband and wife. They had married a month ago. The husband was a leader of souldier on their Kingdom. The King did believe him to do challenging works. The Husband had a beautifull wife, she was so diligent, kind, and sure she loved her husband so much. And The Husband loved his wife too. They loved each other.

But, The King felt in love with her, because of her beauty. She was afraid, while The King was showing his feeling. But, The Husband never knew about it. And The King wanted to take her as his wife. Then The King searched the way how to spared The Husband and The Wife. And he got a good idea.

One day, The King called The Husband to came on his Palace. The King gave a work. The King wanted The Husband to go hunting on the forest and look for a Gold Deer. First, The Husband was confusedwith that work, but he must to do that. And in the morning, The Husband went to the forest with some another souldier. The Wife felt so sad because she was lonely. When The Husband was not in his house, The King came to their house. And there, there was only The Wife. The King said that he wanted the woman to be his second wife. But The Woman refused, refused, and always refused. And it made The King angry with her.

A month later, The Husband came home, he got a Gold Deer. It made The King was confused, he tought that Gold Deer never existed. But The King didn’t said anything, he just said thankyou, thankyou, and thankyou. Before The Husband went home, The King told to The Husband. The King said that his wife found another man in his house. And hearing that, The Husband was very angry. He didn’t believe that his wife lied him, now he was very angry to his wife. Hearing that, The King was so satisfied and felt happy.

The Husband visited his wife. He came with angry face, then he snapped with grimmy. The Woman was so confused, what the matter of her husband ?

“ Why you so devil to me ? You lied me ! And I never trust you again, because you had betrayed my love, you brought another man in my home ! “

“ What are you say ? I don’t understand, really not understand,” replied The Wife.

“ Don’t try to lie me again with your plan face ! You must got a punishment because of your mistake, and I never listen to your explaination ! ” snanpped The Husband.

The Wife was so sad, she cried up and was confused. Unfortunately, The Husband never believed her again. She had showing her true. She will do suwear. On that suweared, she had fell down into fire. If Fire God make big blazed fire, so The Wife had lied, but if nothing big blaze fire, so The Wife was true.

With surely,The Woman threw her self into the fire. But, the fire were not flamed up and after The Wife became dust, rain fell down. The rain was as like to stop the fire. That incident, made The Husband become awake that he had on a big crime. He regretted his mistake, now he had lost his lovely wife. Then The Husband spearded The Wife’s dust around their house that was from The Wife.

Then, there grew up many Red Rose around their house. The flowers was so beauty and smells good. It made The Husband convinced that The Wife’s love was still eternal.

That’s why, Red Rose flower as the symbol of true love.

The story by: eva lelana

Mawar Berduri

Berayun-ayun ditiup angin
Melambai-lambai seraya ingin
Mata liar memancar tajam
Menatap dalam tanpa makna
Tertunduk ku melihatmu
Seraya kasih Tuhan ada di matamu
Aku tak mampu
Kau bukan lambang kasih Tuhan
Kau hanya mawar berduri
Tak mengerti dan selalu menyakiti
Diam-diam menghanyutkan
Pelan-pelan namun mematikan
Terbuaiku dalam bayangmu
Bayang-bayang yang telah meninggalkan tuan
Palsu dan semu
Kini ku sadar
Bukanlah engkau yang ku kejar
Aku tak ditakdirkan sejalan denganmu
Hatiku mati dan tak kan kembali
Merana, melalang buana entah kemana
Bagaikan kumbang yang dirundung bimbang

by: eva lelana